Historical Knowledge and Experience
Historical cities and settlements have accumulated valuable knowledge, experience, and data through the century and even millennium long process of environmental, climate, socio-economic, cultural, technological, and geo-political changes. Sustainable and resilient practices in planning and design, governance, and daily operations, which have been forged, tested and adapted in our urban evolutionary trajectories, and the hard lessons learned for the upkeep and regeneration of urban vitality through critical junctures of urban lifecycles (e.g., crises, volatility, decline, and even collapse) and for risk management, are critical references for contemporary cities going through similar changes.
Relevant themes
- Social production and construction of space
- Lives of cities/urban lifecycles
- Risk mitigation and management
- The Routledge Handbook of Urban Evolution in Ancient Western Asia andĀ North Africa: The Lives of Cities
- Societal Conditions and Conditioning Associated with State BuildingĀ Projects in Ancient Mesopotamia
- Cities in Crisis: Design and Planning, Governance, and Daily Operations